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Book I.1.1-3 edited, with Vallabha's Anubhāṣya, Muralīdhara's Vyākhyā, Giridhara's Vedāntacandrikā, Lālubhaṭṭa's Guḍhārthadīpikā and Icchārāma's Pradīpa, by Rama Natha Sastri. Bombay 1921
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23.1.109 Book I.1.1-3 edited, with Vallabha's Anubhāṣya, Muralīdhara's Vyākhyā, Giridhara's Vedāntacandrikā, Lālubhaṭṭa's Guḍhārthadīpikā and Icchārāma's Pradīpa, by Rama Natha Sastri. Bombay 1921
Source refers as an edition to