Burnell 1880 Authors: Burnell A. C. Print title: A classified Index to the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the palace at Tanjore Print kind: Book
Davidson 2005 Authors: Davidson Ronald M. Print title: Tibetan Renaissance: Tantric Buddhism in the Rebirth of Tibetan Culture Print kind: Book Language: English
Dimitrov and Tamot 2007 Authors: Dimitrov Dragomir , Tamot Kashinath Print title: Kaiser Shamsher, His Library and His Manuscript Collection Print kind: Article
Filliozat 1934 Authors: Filliozat Jean Print title: Liste des manuscrits de la collection Palmyr Cordier conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale Print kind: Article
Filliozat 1941-1942 Authors: Filliozat Jean Print title: Catalogue des manuscrits Sanskrits et tibetains de la Societe astatique Print kind: Article Language: French
Filliozat 1941-1970 Authors: Filliozat Jean Print title: Catalogue du fonds Sanscrit Print kind: Book Language: French
GOML Triennial Authors: Rangacharya M. , Kuppuswami Sastri S. Print title: A Triennial Catalogue Of Manuscripts For The Government Oriental Manuscripts Library Print kind: Book
Hoernle 1907 Authors: Hoernle A. F. R. Print title: Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India: Osteology or the Bones of the Human Body Print kind: Book
Kamble, Mangal Prasad, Patel et al. 2020 Authors: Shah Bijendra , Kamble Shubhangi , Patel Bishun D. , Mangal Prasad Shiv Print title: Glimpses of Chandranighantu of Nepal: An Appraisal Print kind: Article
Klebanov 2021a Authors: Klebanov Andrey Print title: On the Textual History of the Suśrutasaṃhitā (1): A Study of Three Nepalese Manuscripts Print kind: Article