MS Copenhagen CopenhagenUni Zysk Collection V77

ID: 112547
Works contained:
Located in: Copenhagen
Currently collected in (Collection): Zysk Collection of Indic Manuscripts
Serial number: V77
Also collected in (Collection): First Varanasi Collection
Year: 1879 c.
Year in Vikrama saṃvat: 1936
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 3
Original number of folios: 3
Sheet dimensions: 6 × 4 inch
More facts:
  • Width (in inches): 6 ¹⁄₃
Print sources
Last update: 08.04.2024 - 18:50
Relates to People
Scribes: Durgādatta
Suggested citation: Guha A. "MS Copenhagen CopenhagenUni Zysk Collection V77." Pandit. <>. Updated on April 08, 2024 06:50 pm IST.
Contributors: Arpan Guha
Attributed to: Samhita, Zysk Copenhagen