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Translated, with Nimbārka's Vedāntapārijātasaurabha and Śrīnivāsa's Vedāntakaustubha, by Roma Chaudhuri Bose. Three Volumes. BI 259, 1940-43. Volume 3 is a separate work on Nimbaṛka and His Followers. Portions reprinted in EIP 5, 2013, pp. 63-89, 553-555, etc.
Imported raw data
23.1.162 Translated, with Nimbārka's Vedāntapārijātasaurabha and Śrīnivāsa's Vedāntakaustubha, by Roma Chaudhuri Bose. Three Volumes. BI 259, 1940-43. Volume 3 is a separate work on Nimbaṛka and His Followers. Portions reprinted in EIP 5, 2013, pp. 63-89, 553-555, etc.