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Edited, with Śrīkṛṣṇa's Sphoṭacandrikā, by Vindhyesvari Prasada Dvivedin and Ganapati Sastri Mokate. ChSS 2, Benares 1898-1917. II.5-10 reprinted, with Sphoṭacandrikā, Benares 1929. I.1 reprinted Benares 1933; Leipzig 1986
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1069.3.2 Edited, with Śrīkṛṣṇa's Sphoṭacandrikā, by Vindhyesvari Prasada Dvivedin and Ganapati Sastri Mokate. ChSS 2, Benares 1898-1917. II.5-10 reprinted, with Sphoṭacandrikā, Benares 1929. I.1 reprinted Benares 1933; Leipzig 1986
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