Shah, Bijendra, Shubhangi Kamble, Bishun D. Patel and Shiv Mangal Prasad. 2020.
“Glimpses of Chandranighantu of Nepal: An Appraisal.”
The Healer 1 (1): 26–31.
"Chandranighantu was started to document during the period
of the prime minister of Nepal, Bir Samser because of his
inspiration and motivation. However, it was not continued
at that time and later on it was again started in the period of
the next Prime Minister chandrasamser. It was written by a
well-known vaidhya under direct guidance or supervision
of the king and hence the author name was not mentioned
in this nighantu. For the goodwill among public, the
manuscript was named after the King Chandra Shamsher.
Hence it was named Chandranighantu. There were total
10 volumes including 1918 pages. It has been written in
10 volumes comprising 8 volumes with descriptions of
medicinal plants and 2 volumes with descriptions of minerals
and animal products. All together 940 medicinal plants and
336 minerals and animal products have been described
in Chandranighantu. In total 1089 colour sketched have
been mentioned in single pages and remaining 353 in 126